Caregiving & Well-Being

The Latest

  • Brady, S., Patskanick, T., Coughlin, J.F. (2024). An intersectional approach to understanding the psychological health effects of combining work and parental caregiving. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 79(6), gbae042,

  • Past Years

      • Hummelsberger, Pia & Koch, Timo & Rauh, Sabrina & Dorn, Julia & Lermer, Eva & Raue, Martina & Hudecek, Matthias & Schicho, Andreas & Colak, Errol & Ghassemi, Marzyeh & Gaube, Susanne. (2023). Insights on the Current State and Future Outlook of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare From Expert Interviews (Preprint). 10.2196/preprints.47353.

      • Gaube, S., Suresh, H., Raue, M. et al. (2023). Non-task expert physicians benefit from correct explainable AI advice when reviewing X-rays. Sci Rep 13, 1383

      • Felts, A., Balmuth, A., Lee, C., D’Ambrosio, L., & Coughlin, J.F. (2023). Caregiver attitudes toward internet-enabled sources of information. 9th International Conference on Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population, held as part of 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2023).

      • Lee, C., Balmuth, A., D’Ambrosio, L., Felts, A., & Coughlin, J. F. (2023, July). Technologies and Services to Support Care: Family Caregivers’ Experiences and Perspectives. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 307-330). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.

      • Gaube, S., Suresh, H., Raue, M., Lermer, E., et al (2023). Non-task Expert Physicians Benefit from Correct Explainable AI Advice when Reviewing X-Rays. Scientific Reports. 13.

    • 2022

      • Lermer, E., Hudecek, M.F.C., Gaube, S., Raue, M., and Batz, F. "Early and Later Perceptions and Reactions to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany: On Predictors of Behavioral Responses and Guideline Adherence During the Restrictions." Frontiers in Psychology, 26 November 2021.

      • Patskanick, T.R., Miller, J.B., D’Ambrosio, L.A., & Coughlin, J.F. A Day in the Life: Exploring Risk and Resilience among a Sample of the Active “Oldest Old” during the COVID-19 Pandemic. (Keynote). Boston Area Research Initiative Conference 2021.

      • Patskanick, T.R., Miller, J.B., D’Ambrosio, L.A.,  & Coughlin, J.F. Supporting the Growth of Teen-Led Intergenerational Programming: Lessons from the MIT AgeLab OMEGA Program. (2021). Generations United Global Intergenerational Conference.

      • Lee, C., FakhrHosseini, M., Miller, J., Patskanick, T. & Coughlin, J.F. (2019). The oldest olds’ perceptions of social robots. 5th International Conference on Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population, held as part of 21st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2019), July 26-31, Orlando, FL.

      • Patskanick, T., Miller, J., Lee, C., D’Ambrosio, L., & Coughlin, J.F. (2019). Providing and receiving care across the life course: insights from the oldest old. The Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting (GSA 2019), November 13-17, Austin, TX (abstract only).

      • Patskanick, T., Miller., J., D’Ambrosio, L., Lee, C. & Coughlin, J.F. (2019). Mapping the future of hearables: lessons from online and the oldest old consumers. 5th International Conference on Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population, held as part of 21st International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2019), July 26-31, Orlando, FL.

    • 2017

      • Lavallière, M.; Burstein, A. A.; Arezes, P., and Coughlin, J. F. (2016). Tackling the challenges of an aging workforce with the use of wearable technologies and the quantified-self. Dyna rev.fac.nac.minas [online], vol. 83, n.197, pp.38-43. (pdf)

      • Burstein, A.A., DaDalt, O., Kramer, B., D'Ambrosio, L. A., Coughlin, J. F. (2015). Dementia caregivers and technology: Interest outstrips awareness. Gerontechnology, 14(1), 45-56. (pdf)

      • Lavallière, M., Arezes, P., Burstein, A., & Coughlin, J. F. (2015, February). The quantified-self and wearable technologies in the workplace: Implications and challenges. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene SHO2015, Guimarães, Portugal.

      • Coughlin, J. F. (2014). Technology, innovation, and developing a NexGen aging services workforce. Public Policy & Aging Report, 24(1): 6-9.

      • Ellis, D., Houser, A., & Coughlin, J. F. (2014). An exploratory study of caregiver stress, fatigue & worry in the United States. MIT AgeLab White Paper No 2014-5. Cambridge, MA.

      • Kramer, B. (2014). Dementia caregivers in Germany and their acceptance of new technologies for care: The information gap. Public Policy & Aging Report, 24(1): 32-34.

      • Myrick, R. J. (2014). The social implications of a technology for medication compliance. Public Policy & Aging Report, 24(1): 25-26.

      • Shibata, T., & Coughlin, J. F. (2014). Trends of robot therapy with neurological theraputic seal robot, PARO. Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 26(4), 418-425.

      • Asai, D., Orszulak, J., Lee, C., Myrick, R., D'Ambrosio, L. A., Coughlin, J. F. & de Weck, O.L. (2013). Using mature children living apart to improve parents' medication compliance, ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2013), February 23-27, San Antonio, TX.

      • Coughlin, J. F. (2012) Managing Risks & Realizing Opportunities: Can Well-Being Services Improve the Outcomes of Health Insurance Exchanges? Paper presentation to Blue Cross Blue Shield Association Blue 365

      • Doshi-Velez, F., Li, W., Battat, Y., Charrow, B., Curthis, D., Park, J., Hemachandra, S., Velez, J., Walsh, C., Fredette, D., Reimer, B., Roy, N., & Teller, S. (2012). Improving safety and operational efficiency in residential care settings with wifi-based localization. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 13(6) (2012), pp. 558-563.

    • 2011

      • Coughlin, J. F. (2010). Consumer-centered innovation: Envisioning new business opportunities in the development of a health services ecosystem. MIT AgeLab White Paper, 2010-1, Cambridge, MA.

      • Coughlin, J. F., Lau, J., D'Ambrosio, L. A. & Reimer, B. (2009). Adult children's perception of intelligent home systems in the care of elderly parents. 3rd International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology (i-CREATe). Singapore.